We are Bible believing Christians who would love to share the good news of God's message with you.
We are independent; not part of any organisation.
We hold to the fundamental Christian doctrines that would traditionally be identified with Evangelical Bible believing Christianity.
Our beliefs derive from the canon of scripture (the 66 books of the Old and New Testament) only.
This website serves the purpose of being a resource and follow up to those we meet on the street to proclaim the things of God to.
Understand that regardless of who you are or what you've done we would not pass any kind of personal judgement on you as a person. Everybody comes from a different place in life. We can say this or that is what the scripture says about your question/situation but we cannot go beyond what is written. That said the scipture is very clear on the controversies and challenges we all wrangle with. We would love to tell you what God's Word says on any question you have.
We only point out God's coming judgement so you can avoid it by receiving his free gift of salvation.
Jesus your Saviour
No. 1, Right hand of the Father,
Near to those who seek him,
The best person to contact is God the Son - Jesus the Messiah!
He's been trying to make contact with you all your life!
Revelation 3:20
But we would also love to hear from you;
To contact Jesus just find somewhere you can have a bit of privacy. You may kneel or not or close your eyes or not. Open your mouth and speak to him; he's listening to everything you say.
(Our materials)
PNEUMATOLOGY - God the Holy Spirit
Tri-Unity / Trinity - One God - God the Father, Son & Holy Spirit
There is one gospel but many aspects to the gospel. There is the gospel of peace (Ephesians 6:15), the gospel of eternity (Revelation 14:6), the gospel of salvation (Ephesians 1:13) and the gospel of the Kingdom (Mathew 24:14).
Mathew 24:14
Jesus is telling his disciples about what it will be like shortly before he returns and then he says
One aspect of the Gospel of the Kingdom is that the sick, the lame and the blind are healed. Throughout the Bible we see that things happening in the Heavens, or the spiritual realm, had a manifestation of sort on earth. (2Kings 6:17)
It is one thing to see people healed medically by a miracle but it quite something more than that to see a person healed from their spiritual blindness, set free from the bondage of sin and enabled to miraculously to walk the narrow path.
The absence of many miraculous healings today is indicative of the fact there is more apostacy than people coming into the kingdom of light. Large numbers of professiong Christians in Churches is not the same as large numbers of people walking in the light.
It's conspicuous, where is the dunomus power? where are are the miricles?
Another aspect of the gospel of the kingdom could be summed up as; “The kingdom is coming, are you ready? Get ready before it is too late. Are you ready to meet your maker? because if not you will not be entering the kingdom.”
Why did Jesus in the same conversation go on to tell the parable of the wise and foolish virgins?
When Jesus returns, he will literally establish his kingdom. Right now, for believers the kingdom is within us but not without. This world is totally fallen but yet if we are born of the Spirit, as in the spiritual rebirth, the kingdom of God is within us. It will be within and without when He returns.
The problem of late has been the world is shaping the church. This has gotten to the point now where many people who want to engage in evangelistic ministries don’t even share the gospel with unbelievers. Instead they choose to show people the love of God (as they define it) and hope for the best. This is a placebo and a fraud; a sterile gospel replacement. This is not the New Testament model for evangelism.
People need to know their state and that they’re fallen and destined for hell.
When they understand this only then does the good news become good news.
It is good news in light of the bad news.
An eternity of
God is speaking to the nations through world events. It is our duty to do our part and tell the lost what these things mean, how the scriptures foretold them and why.
Don't be offended this is a very serious matter.
All text except the Bible quotes and linked documents have been generated by ourselves.
Video and audio unless us is thrid party.
We have posted video content from other ministries that is freely available on youtube also.
We have no involvement with any of these ministries but as you might deduce we recommend the content and invite you to check out their websites, it's great not to have to reinvent the wheel!
If you would like to contact us in relation to any matter please do so at the above email.
We are usually down on the streets of Cork on Saturdays if you'd like to meet us.